Tyrannosaurus rex
"Tyrant lizard"
Tyrannosaurus Rex, or T-Rex for short, is perhaps the most iconic dinosaur of all. This fearsome predator ruled the Earth during the Late Cretaceous period, and its powerful jaws and sharp teeth made it a formidable hunter. T-Rex was a bipedal carnivore with massive hind legs and short forelimbs. Its skull was incredibly large, and its teeth were among the biggest of any land animal.
T-Rex was a highly intelligent dinosaur, and recent research suggests it may have been a pack hunter, working together with other individuals to bring down large prey. Its keen sense of smell and vision would have allowed it to detect potential victims from a distance.
Despite its fearsome reputation, T-Rex was not without its weaknesses. Its short arms and heavy build may have limited its agility, and it is possible that it was vulnerable to attacks from smaller, faster predators.
Did you know?
T-Rex may have had a sense of smell that was as powerful as a vulture's. This would have allowed it to detect carrion from a great distance, making it a formidable scavenger in addition to a hunter.