"Winged lizards"
Pterosaurs were amazing creatures that soared through the skies millions of years ago. They first appeared during the Triassic Period, around 228 million years ago, way back when dinosaurs were just starting to roam the Earth. Even though they aren't dinosaurs, they're still part of the same family as crocodiles and birds.
At first, pterosaur ancestors walked on two legs, but over time, their arms grew longer and turned into wings! This was a huge breakthrough because it was the first time any animal had ever been able to fly.
During the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, pterosaurs evolved into all shapes and sizes. Some were as small as a sparrow, while others were as big as a small plane! They could walk on two legs or four, depending on the species.
Did you know?
While many pterosaurs were likely fish-eaters, some evidence suggests that they may have also consumed insects, small animals, and even plants. This dietary versatility contributed to their success and allowed them to occupy a wide range of ecological niches.